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SullyGnome - Twitch stats and analysis

Last online:
4 days
Follower rank:
87,022nd (
Follower gain rank:
100,234th (
Peak viewer rank:
91,814th (
Average viewer rank:
98,668th (
View rank:
1st (0)
View gain rank:
1st (0)

Average viewers

Average viewers compared to the previous 7 days

Hours watched

Total watch time compared to the previous 7 days

Followers gained

Followers gained compared to the previous 7 days

Peak viewers

Peak viewers compared to the previous 7 days

Hours streamed

Total time streamed compared to the previous 7 days


Streams compared to the previous 7 days
suiren_vt has been watched for over 0.9 thousand hours with an average of 10 viewers and a peak of 74 so far this year.

suiren_vt's viewers between Saturday 27th April and Saturday 4th May


suiren_vt's followers between Saturday 27th April and Saturday 4th May


suiren_vt's directory position


Time streamed by game over the past 7 days


Game average viewers over the past 7 days


suiren_vt's views between Saturday 27th April and Saturday 4th May


suiren_vt Twitch Stats Summary

What are suiren_vt's Twitch stats

In the past 30 days, suiren_vt has streamed for 51 hours with an average of 11 viewers and a peak of 42.

When was suiren_vt's peak viewership

suiren_vt's peak viewership was 702 on Wednesday, 24 June 2020 01:15.

Is suiren_vt a partner or affiliate?

suiren_vt is an affiliate.

How long does suiren_vt stream for

In the past 30 days, suiren_vt has streamed 17 times with an average of 3 hours per stream.

What is suiren_vt's average viewership

suiren_vt averages 11 viewers in the past 30 days.

suiren_vt FAQ

What does suiren_vt's stream

suiren_vt's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for 10 hours, they also streamed 12 other game/category.

What is suiren_vt's watch time

In the past 30 days, viewers watched suiren_vt for 594 hours.

How many followers does suiren_vt's have

suiren_vt currently has 2,267 followers.

How does suiren_vt rank on Twitch

suiren_vt ranked 175,120 for average viewership and 176,090 for peak viewership.

When has suiren_vt's channel created?

suiren_vt channel was created Monday, 23 March 2020

Latest status - [Vtuber] [EN/JP] Karaoke Chat out of the blue, let's goooooooo