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SullyGnome - Twitch stats and analysis

Last online:
4 days
Follower rank:
248,659th (
Follower gain rank:
366,487th (
Peak viewer rank:
333,839th (
Average viewer rank:
251,659th (
View rank:
1st (0)
View gain rank:
1st (0)

Average viewers

Average viewers compared to the previous 7 days

Hours watched

Total watch time compared to the previous 7 days

Followers gained


Peak viewers

Peak viewers compared to the previous 7 days

Hours streamed

Total time streamed compared to the previous 7 days


speedyferd has been watched for over 0.4 thousand hours with an average of 4 viewers and a peak of 13 so far this year.

speedyferd's viewers between Tuesday 30th April and Tuesday 7th May


speedyferd's followers between Tuesday 30th April and Tuesday 7th May


speedyferd's directory position


Time streamed by game over the past 7 days


Game average viewers over the past 7 days


speedyferd's views between Tuesday 30th April and Tuesday 7th May


speedyferd Twitch Stats Summary

What are speedyferd's Twitch stats

In the past 30 days, speedyferd has streamed for 12 hours with an average of 4 viewers and a peak of 9.

When was speedyferd's peak viewership

speedyferd's peak viewership was 80 on Thursday, 02 July 2020 06:15.

Is speedyferd a partner or affiliate?

speedyferd is an affiliate.

How long does speedyferd stream for

In the past 30 days, speedyferd has streamed 4 times with an average of 3 hours per stream.

What is speedyferd's average viewership

speedyferd averages 4 viewers in the past 30 days.

speedyferd FAQ

What does speedyferd's stream

speedyferd's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was Magic: The Gathering for 12 hours.

What is speedyferd's watch time

In the past 30 days, viewers watched speedyferd for 52 hours.

How many followers does speedyferd's have

speedyferd currently has 496 followers.

How does speedyferd rank on Twitch

speedyferd ranked 366,514 for average viewership and 611,205 for peak viewership.

When has speedyferd's channel created?

speedyferd channel was created Thursday, 14 May 2015

Latest status - If we can kill our enemies but we can't jack them off, then how are we better then them?