In the past 30 days, ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) has streamed for 256 hours with an average of 66 viewers and a peak of 143.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki)'s peak viewership was 269 on Saturday, 23 March 2024 22:45.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) is a Twitch partner.
In the past 30 days, ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) has streamed 26 times with an average of 9 hours, 55 mins per stream.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) averages 66 viewers in the past 30 days.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki)'s most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was Black Myth: Wukong for 63 hours, they also streamed 19 other game/category.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) for 16,980 hours.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) currently has 3,106 followers.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) ranked 41,649 for average viewership and 64,482 for peak viewership.
ろなしー (lotsofnashiki) channel was created Friday, 12 February 2016