In the past 30 days, ZACK_5ABBATH has streamed for 47 hours with an average of 3 viewers and a peak of 11.
ZACK_5ABBATH's peak viewership was 365 on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 17:30.
ZACK_5ABBATH is an affiliate.
In the past 30 days, ZACK_5ABBATH has streamed 11 times with an average of 4 hours per stream.
ZACK_5ABBATH averages 3 viewers in the past 30 days.
ZACK_5ABBATH's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl for 29 hours, they also streamed 3 other game/category.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched ZACK_5ABBATH for 183 hours.
ZACK_5ABBATH currently has 1,850 followers.
ZACK_5ABBATH ranked 471,561 for average viewership and 501,326 for peak viewership.
ZACK_5ABBATH channel was created Monday, 11 April 2016