In the past 30 days, martymcflye_ has streamed for 137 hours with an average of 5 viewers and a peak of 18.
martymcflye_'s peak viewership was 363 on Thursday, 18 March 2021 19:30.
martymcflye_ is an affiliate.
In the past 30 days, martymcflye_ has streamed 41 times with an average of 3 hours, 17 mins per stream.
martymcflye_ averages 5 viewers in the past 30 days.
martymcflye_'s most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO for 24 hours, they also streamed 16 other game/category.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched martymcflye_ for 784 hours.
martymcflye_ currently has 424 followers.
martymcflye_ ranked 301,894 for average viewership and 322,359 for peak viewership.
martymcflye_ channel was created Sunday, 16 March 2014