In the past 30 days, M4st3rJ3y has streamed for 111 hours with an average of 2 viewers and a peak of 15.
M4st3rJ3y's peak viewership was 949 on Wednesday, 01 July 2020 01:00.
M4st3rJ3y is a Twitch partner.
In the past 30 days, M4st3rJ3y has streamed 21 times with an average of 5 hours, 17 mins per stream.
M4st3rJ3y averages 2 viewers in the past 30 days.
M4st3rJ3y's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was Counter-Strike for 61 hours, they also streamed 3 other game/category.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched M4st3rJ3y for 295 hours.
M4st3rJ3y currently has 29,372 followers.
M4st3rJ3y ranked 592,109 for average viewership and 352,120 for peak viewership.
M4st3rJ3y channel was created Friday, 03 May 2013