In the past 30 days, Kurisu_Exia has streamed for 141 hours with an average of 2 viewers and a peak of 7.
Kurisu_Exia's peak viewership was 91 on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 21:00.
Kurisu_Exia is an affiliate.
In the past 30 days, Kurisu_Exia has streamed 11 times with an average of 12 hours, 52 mins per stream.
Kurisu_Exia averages 2 viewers in the past 30 days.
Kurisu_Exia's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint for 105 hours, they also streamed 4 other game/category.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched Kurisu_Exia for 341 hours.
Kurisu_Exia currently has 634 followers.
Kurisu_Exia ranked 587,927 for average viewership and 715,657 for peak viewership.
Kurisu_Exia channel was created Friday, 16 August 2013