In the past 30 days, disciplebtw has streamed for 32 hours with an average of 1 viewers and a peak of 8.
disciplebtw's peak viewership was 8 on Sunday, 29 December 2024 01:15.
disciplebtw is an affiliate.
In the past 30 days, disciplebtw has streamed 15 times with an average of 2 hours, 24 mins per stream.
disciplebtw averages 1 viewers in the past 30 days.
disciplebtw's most streamed game/category in the past 30 days was Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 for 32 hours.
In the past 30 days, viewers watched disciplebtw for 45 hours.
disciplebtw currently has 134 followers.
disciplebtw ranked 1,120,116 for average viewership and 672,236 for peak viewership.
disciplebtw channel was created Saturday, 02 January 2016